A Vietnam War veteran named John Rambo is searching for an old comrade, only to learn that his friend had died from cancer the previous year due to Agent Orange exposure during the war. Rambo enters the small town of Hope, Washington. He is intercepted by the town’s sheriff, Will Teasle, who considers Rambo a drifter and an unwanted nuisance. Teasle offers Rambo a lift, and when Rambo asks for directions to a diner, Teasle tells him that there is a diner thirty miles up the highway. He then drives Rambo to the outskirts of the town and tells him that Portland, where Rambo had initially said he was headed, lies straight ahead. Teasle then drops Rambo off and drives away. When Rambo tries to return, Teasle then arrests him on charges of vagrancy, resisting arrest, and possessing a concealed knife. First Blood 1982 Full Movie Download
Led by sadistic chief deputy Art Galt, Teasle’s officers abuse Rambo, triggering flashbacks of the torture he endured as a POW in Vietnam. When they try to dry-shave him with a straight razor, Rambo snaps and overwhelms the patrolmen, regains his knife, and fights his way out of the police station before stealing a motorcycle and fleeing into the woods. Teasle organizes a search party with automatic weapons, dogs, and a helicopter. Having spotted Rambo attempting to climb down a cliff over a creek, Galt defies orders from Teasle and attempts to shoot Rambo from the helicopter.
Realizing that he is a sitting duck, Rambo leaps from the cliff and lands on a tree branch, injuring his right arm. With Galt still trying to shoot him, Rambo manages to throw a rock with his uninjured arm, cracking the helicopter’s windshield and causing the pilot to briefly lose control. Galt, who had removed his safety harness in order to get a better firing angle, loses his balance and takes a fatal plunge to the rocks below.