Kym Buchman is temporarily discharged from drug rehab for a few days so that she can attend her older sister Rachel’s wedding to Sidney Williams. Kym’s history of drug abuse and alcohol-infused antics has left her the black sheep of the family, and caused rifts between herself and others. Upon arriving to her paternal home, full of several close friends and family members bustling about and planning activities for the momentous occasion, Kym experiences several challenges reintegrating into the household. For instance, Kym’s father, Paul, shows intense concern for her well-being, which Kym interprets as mistrust. Kym also resents Rachel’s choice in designating her best friend as maid of honor, relegating her sister to possible bridesmaid due to doubt over whether Kym would have the faculty to make an appearance at all. Rachel, in turn, resents the attention her sister’s drug addiction is drawing away from her wedding, which is exacerbated by Kym’s behavior at the rehearsal dinner, when she, amid toasts from friends and family, forces an opportunity to offer a strangely blanket apology for her past actions, as part of her twelve-step program.Rachel Getting Married 2008 Movie Download.
Underlying the family’s broader dynamic is a tragedy that occurred several years earlier, which Kym retells at a Narcotics Anonymous meeting. As a teenager, Kym was responsible for the death of her younger brother, Ethan, who was left under her supervision one day; driving home from a nearby park, an intoxicated Kym had lost control of the car, careening off a bridge and into a lake, where her brother drowned. The memory of his death is ensconced in several activities and conversations, throughout the days immediately preceding the wedding.
The day before the wedding, as Rachel, Kym, and the other bridesmaids are preparing their hair at a salon, Kym is approached by a man whom she met at rehab years ago. He proclaims himself several months sober, and adamantly thanks her for instilling courage within him, through her story of strength – a story which he’s unaware is fully fabricated, to evade accepting responsibility for her own addiction.