Southern California teenager Les Anderson (Corey Haim) tries to get his driver’s license in order to impress his crush, Mercedes Lane (Heather Graham). He fails the knowledge portion of the exam, but inadvertently causes a computer surge. Les’ failing marks are thought to be irretrievable, but the Department of Motor Vehicles lets him pass the exam after comparing him to his twin sister’s high marks. He eventually passes the road test, but his real test scores are finally retrieved and his license is revoked.License to Drive 1988 Full Movie Download
Les tries concealing the truth from his parents, but his mother finds out the truth and grounds him for two weeks. Les made plans to drive his grandfather’s prized 1972 Cadillac Sedan de Ville prior and decides to sneak away anyway for a joyride with Mercedes. Mercedes gets drunk and then she and Les accidentally cave in the hood of the car after dancing on it. Mercedes passes out; Les panics and goes to his best friend Dean’s (Corey Feldman) house to have him fix the dent in the car’s hood. Dean persuades Les to continue the joyride along with their friend Charles (Michael Manasseri), but are unaware Les still does not have his license. The three put Mercedes in the trunk of the car and continue their night on the town, causing even more damage to the Cadillac. Meanwhile, Mrs. Anderson wakes up her husband late in the night announcing she is in labor.The next day, Les drops off Charles and Dean at their homes. Mercedes wakes up and believes that the night prior was a dream. Les drops her off at her house where they share a kiss. Les gets in trouble with his father Robert after returning home with the damaged Cadillac. Mrs. Anderson is still in labor, but since the car’s transmission will not shift into drive he is forced to drive his family to the hospital in reverse. Mrs. Anderson is taken into the hospital but a crane fails outside and a falling steel girder crushes the Cadillac, much to the shock of Les and Robert.