As an actor, Taylor Sheridan tended to alternate between square-jawed authority figures and square-jawed thugs, but his prospects were perhaps limited by coming up at a moment when TV was accentuating vulnerability over rugged cheekbones. He appeared in various initials-driven shows, your CSIs and NCISs, plus a memorable run on Sons of Anarchy, before transitioning into a writing and directing career that can be interpreted as focusing on revitalizing the kind of manly melodramas that, in a different era, might have kept him employed in front of the camera.Sheridan makes bombastic, macho throwbacks, and while the features Sicario and Wind River should have offered proof that he’s more than capable of writing female characters, albeit women struggling in male-driven professions, they feel like exceptions rather than the result of a focused intention. Or perhaps he hasn’t found a muse of the sort his Sons of Anarchy boss Kurt Sutter has in Katey Sagal.Mayor of Kingstown Season 1 Download.