Team Zenko Go is an all-new DreamWorks Animation series produced with Mainframe Studios. The series follows a secret squad of young do-gooders determined to make their town the happiest town in the world. One of these do-gooders happens to be a wheelchair user. “Ari” is voiced by Hartley Bernier, a fourteen-year-old actor who lives with Chronic Illness. Team Zenko Go is a series that makes kindness cool and shows kids that you don’t always need to claim credit when doing a good deed. Jack Thomas (Dragons Rescue Riders) serves as executive producer and showrunner. Thomas says, “In this social media crazed world, where people always record everything they do, we wanted to make the point that helping someone in need is something you should do because it’s the right thing to do, not because it will make you famous or get you ‘likes’.”Team Zenko Go Season 1 Download.
Team Zenko Go has managed to avoid all too familiar disability tropes such as, for instance, villains, victims or inspirations. Instead, Team Zenko Go has created the character of Ari with authenticity, depth, humanity and equity. “One of the early things that I did to develop his character was to come up with the idea that Ari was not a member of the team at first. He’s just a new kid who moves to town and who, in a period of three days, figures out something no one else in Harmony Harbor has ever been able to figure out – that there is a secret team of do-gooders running around. Not only does he figure it out, he catches them in the act. And then the twist is that he doesn’t want to expose them. He wants to join them! By introducing his character this way, we instantly made him, at the very least, an equal of the other three kids on Team Zenko Go. We also made a conscious decision to never really mention Ari’s wheelchair unless it was somehow plot-relevant. And I don’t think it ever was,” says Thomas.