Synopsis: ‘Ghoon’ narrates three interlinked stories that revolve around a father-daughter relationship, a couple who are living in together, and a doctor`s connection with his wife. The film attempts to portray the complex relationships between people through the crisscrossing lives of these characters.The film veers into the world of corporate, glitz and glamour and exploits almost every angle that they could possibly have— the hierarchy, the malpractices and the easy way up – and yet fails to strike an emotional chord. In the attempt, it comes off choppy and cringeworthy in parts. The attempt to revive hope in unsteady relationships is also wasted. Why, you ask? Because, what’s missing is an engaging script.Ghoon 2019 Full Movie Download
Poulomi is convincing as Poonam. Anusha as Simi and Sourav as Joy live up to their bits. Samadarshi as Amit puts up a fair act too. Kamaleswar Mukherjee makes a fleeting appearance as a JNU professor only to connect two storylines.Supporting actors deliver dialogues in nauseating accents while some scenes drag a tad too long and test the audience’s patience. Too many things happen in a short span, in a frantic attempt to link the three stories, but they lead nowhere. Overall, a mediocre attempt at realistic cinema.Poulomi is convincing as Poonam. Anusha as Simi and Sourav as Joy live up to their bits. Samadarshi as Amit puts up a fair act too. Kamaleswar Mukherjee makes a fleeting appearance as a JNU professor only to connect two storylines.Supporting actors deliver dialogues in nauseating accents while some scenes drag a tad too long and test the audience’s patience. Too many things happen in a short span, in a frantic attempt to link the three stories, but they lead nowhere. Overall, a mediocre attempt at realistic cinema.