Jeff’s boss Bridget approves of his story idea and Jeff selects his team: Darius and Arnau, a studious UW student interning at the magazine to diversify his résumé for medical school applications. They travel to the seaside community of Ocean View to find and profile the person who wrote the ad. Jeff’s ulterior motive for this out of town assignment is to track down his long-lost love interest who lives in town.Safety Not Guaranteed 2012 Full Movie Download
Darius discovers the ad was placed by Kenneth Calloway, a stock clerk at a local grocery store. Jeff’s attempt to approach Kenneth alienates him, so Jeff orders Darius to make contact. Darius’ disaffected attitude serves her well, and she quickly endears herself to Kenneth as she poses as a candidate to accompany him on his mission. While Kenneth is paranoid and believes secret agents are tracking his every move, Darius gains his trust as she participates in a series of training exercises in the woods around his house and she begins to develop feelings for him. She tells Kenneth about losing her mother when she was young and her mission is to prevent her mother’s death. Kenneth says his mission is to go back to 2001 and prevent the death of his old girlfriend, Belinda, who was killed when someone drove a car into her house.
Meanwhile, Jeff tracks down Liz, a fling from his teenage years. Although she is not as attractive as he recalls, they reconnect and sleep together. He asks her to come back with him to Seattle, but she believes this is just another fling for him, so she refuses. Upset by her rejection, Jeff takes Arnau out on the town and they pick up some young women. Jeff tells Arnau to not waste his youth and convinces him to spend the night with one of the women.
The next morning, Jeff receives a phone call from Bridget, who has been following up the team’s notes on the story. She informs Jeff that Belinda is still alive and lives an hour away from where they are. During an interview, Darius learns Belinda was only friends with Kenneth and Kenneth actually was the one who drove into her then-boyfriend’s house, yet no one was injured. After the interview, Darius is questioned by two government agents who have been following Kenneth and believe that he may be a spy because of his communication with government scientists. They know Kenneth has been breaking into labs and stealing equipment.