The plot of 616 Wilford Lane revolves around a cliché that I’ve never understood the popularity of. A person or in this case a family picking up and relocating from a major city to some small town in the middle of nowhere after a tragedy. It makes no sense and I’ve never known or known of, anyone who did it. But for some reason, it’s become the starting point of an incredible number of films. This is one of the few where it ultimately ends up making sense.616 Wilford Lane 2021 Movie Download.
Here it’s Jim (John Littlefield, Hulk, Black Limousine) who, after the death of his wife, moves himself and two teenage daughters Staci (Alyson Gorske, Battle Star Wars, Meteor Moon) and Randy (Jessica Chancellor, Mystery Incorporated, The Final Level: Escaping Rancala) to the rural, if gated community, of Auburn California.
616 Wilford Lane was co-directed by Mark S. Allen and Dante Yore who also co-wrote it along with Howard Burd. The three of them have worked together previously on several films including Apparition, Fear Pharm and Fear Pharm 2. Here they’ve put together an enjoyable if not very original ghost story.