Ananta Das is a normal middle class man like any other common man. Everyday he avails the 8:08 A.M Bongaon Local to Kolkata to attain his office. Some known and unknown common people are his companions throughout his journey everyday. He has seen many incidents, which created a deep impression in his life. One such incident was the murder of a brother who protested against a group of drunkards who were teasing his elder sister (“Rajiv murder case in Barasat”). Preliminarily he remained silent against all these incidents. But on one day, his protesting nature, inside him, burst out. He started protesting against each and every wrong deed, irrespective of the level of crime. As a result he stands out as a protesting person in front of other common people. He turns out to be the target of the leaders of the society.8:08 Er Bongaon Local 2012 Movie Download.
The film, which had potential, gets derailed before it could become Bengal’s answer to “Rang De Basanti”.The infamous Rajiv murder case in Barasat might have been a springboard for this movie but “8:08 er Bonga Local” is much more than that. In a very mainstream format, it tries to focus on how people have stopped protesting against any form of injustice just because of fear or a belief that nothing at all can ever change in this society.
In the larger context of things, the film questions if in a world crippled by fear of being axed, deprived or violated, the word “poribontan” has lost its steam.Padmanabha Dasgupta’s story and screen play has a very realistic premise because it has the strength to make viewers identify and relate on-screen situations with what they too might have faced in their personal lives.