Will Freeman lives a carefree lifestyle without any responsibility or commitments, thanks to royalties left to him by his father’s successful Christmas song. Will joins the Single Parents Alone Together (SPAT) community group under the pretense that he is the father to an imaginary child, but instead aims to meet single mothers. Will meets Suzie who he is attracted to but also meets Marcus, the socially awkward son of one of Suzie’s friends unexpectedly on a planned play-date. When Will and Suzie take Marcus home, they find Marcus’ mother Fiona (who suffers bouts of depression) has attempted suicide and rush to get her to the hospital in time.About a Boy 2002 Movie Download.
Marcus soon discovers that Will’s imaginary son does not exist, and uses it as leverage by blackmailing Will to go out with his mother as he wants to ensure Fiona doesn’t get depressed again. Though Will shows no interest in Fiona, he begins to bond with Marcus and ultimately matures as an adult as a result. Will helps Marcus to establish confidence however this plan backfires, and Marcus accidentally reveals that Will is not a parent. Fiona confronts Will and demands an explanation. Will retorts that he is only building confidence in the boy because he is routinely humiliated and bullied at school. Though Will promises to cease further contact with Marcus, Fiona recognizes that Will’s genuine interest in her son is good for the both of them.About a Boy 2002 Movie Download.
Will joins Marcus and Fiona for Christmas, gifting Marcus a Mystikal album as well as a portable CD Player. During an exchange with Suzie who knows by now of Will’s earlier deception, Marcus stands up for Will and in turn, also stands up to Fiona’s confrontational methods. Will defuses the situation, citing an earlier incident where Marcus accidentally killed a duck with his mother’s cottage loaf. Marcus invites Will to Christmas dinner, and Will genuinely enjoys his day with Marcus’ family.