The film is basically based on a true story, but it seems like the story is all over the place and couldn’t distinguish the story, no connection between scenes ending was horrible; no certain details included into it, the ending scene was probably the weakest ending for this type of movie. We need a much stronger plot if the story was about a real-life story. When I saw the trailer it said that the film is about romance but it is pretty obvious that this is about sexual harassment and a murderer also it said that this is about exorcism, how can these ridiculously unrelatable things became relatable in this movie. Most of the content in this is a contradiction for me because I couldn’t see the director’s actual purpose in some scenes which are incoherent for the viewers I guess; the plot needs to be sharper than it is. I only felt that if this movie a fruit salad the chef must be made some exotic salad with less taste and less sense only just asking the recipe from random people he met, and not only reading the recipe and also without enough observation with it. This just a terrible tasteless fruit salad with a mixture of vegetables that he accidentally put into it.According to Matthew 2018 Movie Download.
Only the trailer looked fascinating. From the establishing shot of the church set in 1972 with the solar panels in the background.
Little to no attention to detail has been given to create this film.The story had the potential of being one of the best films in Sri Lanka with such a stunning actress who is a thriving Bollywood Star. But no, they had to ruin it!Towards the latter part of the film, the shots had no headroom and in some scenes; the framing was awful to the point half of the actors’ heads were missing. I doubt it was an issue with the projector since the rest of the film looked okay.Maybe Chandran Rutnam should rather stick with scouting for locations and producing films.According to Mathew.