Director Raja Chanda has completed the shooting of his upcoming film Ajob Premer Golpo. The film stars Bonny Sengupta and Srabanti Chatterjee in the lead role. Both actors have been paired for the first time. The reports have claimed that the film is a family drama. However, the other cast of the film has not been revealed.Ajob Premer Golpo 2021 Movie Download.
Raja Chanda shared the last day shooting pictures on social media. “It was a joint family..Last day shoot of our film #AjobPremerGolpo.”Bonny Sengupta’s Love Story was very much appreciated by the fans. The film was a romantic flick. In the film, Bonny had a problem split personality and how he deals with it to protect his love.Srabanti Chatterjee’s last release was Uraan. The film deals with waterborne disease and how Srabanti saved villagers from this dangerous disease.Meanwhile, Raja Chanda’s Bhoy which is yet to be released have Ankush Hazara in the lead. The film is the story of Ankush who will be seen as a swimming coach. He has a weird fear. Nusrat Faria will play the tutor of Ankush’s sibling who will help him to come out of his fear.
Director Raja Chanda has completed the shooting of his upcoming film Ajob Premer Golpo. The film stars Bonny Sengupta and Srabanti Chatterjee in the lead role. Both actors have been paired for the first time. The reports have claimed that the film is a family drama. However, the other cast of the film has not been revealed.Director Raja Chanda has completed the shooting of his upcoming film Ajob Premer Golpo. The film stars Bonny Sengupta and Srabanti Chatterjee in the lead role. Both actors have been paired for the first time. The reports have claimed that the film is a family drama. However, the other cast of the film has not been revealed.
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