After a public spat with a movie star, a disgraced director retaliates by kidnapping the actor’s daughter, filming the search for her in real-time.AK vs AK 2020 full Movie.
Fuelled by resentment, Kashyap concocts a dastardly plan. He kidnaps Kapoor’s daughter — the actor Sonam Kapoor — and gives him till sunrise to locate her. He then lays out the rules: he will trail Kapoor relentlessly, with a cameraperson in tow, and film his every move. Together, they will make a hostage thriller unlike any the world has ever seen.
There’s a rather sinister tone to AK vs AK. The whole thing hinges on the premise that Kashyap, who’s cultivated a very particular Twitter persona — one day he’s recommending a good film, and on the next he’s scheming a mass protest — could be crazy enough to do something like this. At one point in the movie — and I was stunned that they chose to retain this moment, considering its real-world implications — Kashyap smacks a woman across the face in a fit of anger.
To be clear, he’s essentially playing a fictional character, but still, it’s a fictional character who is joined at the hip with the real man. It’s a fictional character who’s called Anurag Kashyap. For some reason, him hitting a woman once registers more emphatically than the dozens of times that he exchanges blows with Kapoor.
And then there’s the stage sequence, perhaps the best, most transcendent stretch in the film. Following the breadcrumbs that have been laid for him across Mumbai, Kapoor finds himself at a neighbourhood Christmas party, hot on the trail of a taxiwallah. He climbs onto a stage where a band’s performing and snatches the mic. “Have you seen this man?” he asks the gathered crowd, and realises that he won’t get any answers unless he gives them what they want. And what they want is for him, Anil Kapoor, to sing for his supper.