That gives Alien Xmas a familiar feeling of handmade charm, but it doesn’t entirely have the familiar quirk level or innocent sincerity of the old Rankin-Bass specials. If anything, it feels calculated to a fault, with plenty of wide-eyed declarations about the power of love and Christmas cheer. Based on the 2006 book by director Stephen Chiodo and Jim Strain, Alien Xmas is one of those stories that expands 40 pages of pictures into 40 minutes of action, and winds up feeling thin as a result.Alien Xmas 2020 Movie Download.
Some of the setup feels inspired by the much weirder, more twisted action in Invader Zim. An alien race called the Klepts has become greedy, decadent, and joyless after exhausting its own planet’s resources. So they roam across the universe in a huge armada, raiding other planets. When they arrive at Earth, their supreme leader Z (Barbara Goodson, in the special’s only really fun vocal performance) is delighted to see how much “stuff” the planet has, and she launches a plan to turn off Earth’s gravity so all its “stuff” will float away into space. “We will stuff their stuff into our stuff chambers, and then their stuff will be our stuff!” she exults.
Alien Xmas could use more of Goodson’s over-the-top commitment, and more of the sheer lunacy of this plan. When no one else volunteers go to to Earth and set up the anti-gravity device, the littlest alien, X, heads down to the North Pole with the device and a cantankerous robot helper, hoping both to prove his worth and to snatch up everything he can get for himself before the rest of the Klepts get involved. Instead, to no one’s surprise, he learns a lesson about what makes Christmas special, and about the value of giving and generosity.