On June 17, 1972, security guard Frank Wills at the Watergate complex finds a door’s bolt taped over to prevent it from locking. He calls the police, who find and arrest five burglars in the Democratic National Committee headquarters within the complex. The next morning, The Washington Post assigns new reporter Bob Woodward to the local courthouse to cover the story, which is considered of minor importance.Woodward learns that the five men—James W. McCord Jr. and four Cuban-Americans from Miami—possessed electronic bugging equipment and are represented by a high-priced “country club” attorney. At the arraignment, McCord identifies himself in court as having recently left the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and the others are also revealed to have CIA ties. Woodward connects the burglars to E. Howard Hunt, an employee of President Richard Nixon’s White House counsel Charles Colson, and formerly of the CIA.All the President’s Men 1976 Movie Download.
Carl Bernstein, another Post reporter, is assigned to cover the Watergate story with Woodward. The two young men are reluctant partners but work well together. Executive editor Benjamin Bradlee believes that their work lacks reliable sources and is not worthy of the Post’s front page, but he encourages further investigation.Woodward contacts a senior government official, an anonymous source whom he has used before and refers to as “Deep Throat.”
Communicating secretly, using a flag placed in a balcony flowerpot to signal meetings, they meet at night in an underground parking garage. Deep Throat speaks in riddles and metaphors, avoiding substantial facts about the Watergate break-in, but advises Woodward to “follow the money.”Woodward and Bernstein connect the five burglars to corrupt activities involving campaign contributions to Nixon’s Committee to Re-elect the President (CRP or CREEP).