Jim Levenstein prepares to propose to Michelle at a restaurant when his dad calls to tell him he has the ring. She misinterprets when Jim stalls the question and his dad arrives as he is receiving fellatio from under the table. The mishap grasps everyone’s attention but Jim proposes and Michelle accepts.Jim wishes to exclude Steve Stifler from the wedding; who becomes upset when he finds out. Stifler agrees to teach Jim how to dance if he is allowed at the wedding. Jim asks Stifler to mask his obnoxious personality in exchange for planning the bachelor party.American Wedding 2003 Movie Download.
Jim, Stifler, Paul Finch, and Kevin Meyers travel to Chicago to find the designer who makes the dress Michelle wants. Stifler inadverently walks into a gay bar, and his initially raucous behavior gets several patrons annoyed. Battling Bear in a dance-off, Stifler is offered strippers by him for the bachelor party. Dress designer Leslie reveals himself and agrees to make the dress for Michelle.Michelle’s younger sister, Cadence, flies in for the wedding. Both Finch and Stifler are attracted to her, and, trying to win her over, they each act differently. Stifler arranges the bachelor party but does not tell Jim, who unknowingly invited Michelle’s parents to dinner in his home. With assistance from Bear, who poses as a butler, Jim nearly succeeds in keeping the bachelor’s party a secret, until Michelle’s mother opens a closet door to find Kevin inside; blindfolded, stripped to his boxers, and tied to a chair.American Wedding 2003 Movie Download.
They explain that it was a failed attempt to make Jim seem like a hero, and Michelle’s parents tell him if he puts that much effort into the upcoming marriage, they can give their blessing.Michelle is concerned that Jim’s paternal grandmother disapproves of the wedding as she is not Jewish. On the night before the wedding, Stifler inadvertently turns off the walk-in refrigerator while getting a bottle of champagne to seduce Cadence, which kills the flowers.