![Raja Raja Chora [Hindi]](https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w185/es4zdiVJ7HkEVjCwTcv12uWxoy6.jpg)
In Shostka in 1885, the Mousekewitzes, a Russian-Jewish family of mice who live with a human family named Moskowitz, are having a celebration of Hanukkah where Papa gives his hat to his 5-year-old son, Fievel, and tells him about the United States, a country where he believes there are no cats. The celebration is interrupted when a battery of Cossacks ride through the village square in an anti-Jewish arson attack and their cats likewise attack the village mice. Because of this, the Moskowitz home, along with that of the Mousekewitzes, is destroyed.An American Tail 1986 Movie Download.
In Hamburg, the Mousekewitzes board a tramp steamer headed for New York City. All the mice aboard are ecstatic at the process of going to America as there are “no cats” there. During a thunderstorm on their journey, Fievel suddenly finds himself separated from his family and washed overboard. Thinking that he has died, they proceed to the city as planned, though they become depressed at his loss.An American Tail 1986 Movie Download.
Fievel is the youngest member of the Mousekewitz family, which lives in a mousehole beneath the human Moskowitz family in Russia in the 19th century. One day the czar’s mounted troops ride by and burn down both homes, and then Papa Mousekewitz leads his family on a long odyssey to the promised land, while they sing “In America There Are No Cats.” There also are no pogroms, the lyricists might have added, except that the movie never makes it clear just why the czar’s men burned down the houses.An American Tail 1986 Movie Download.
We now enter the long central passage of the movie, in which the bereft Mousekewitzes arrive heartbroken in New York, while little Fievel, miraculously deposited in a bottle, washes up on the same shores. While the family mourns its loss, Fievel the orphan wanders through the heartless streets of the metropolis, looking for his parents.