Overgård (Mads Mikkelsen) is stranded in the Arctic Circle waiting for rescue, living in his crashed plane. His daily routine consists of checking fishing lines, mapping his surroundings and running a distress beacon powered by a hand-crank dynamo. One day, his supply of fish is raided by a polar bear. A helicopter responds to his beacon and attempts to land, but crashes. The pilot (Tintrinai Thikhasuk) is killed and the passenger (Maria Thelma Smáradóttir),[3] is severely injured and unconscious. Overgård dresses her wound and takes her to his plane. She does not speak English and only proves her alertness by squeezing his hand.Arctic 2018 Movie Download.
Overgård returns to the wreckage of the downed helicopter and finds some food, a propane cook stove, medical equipment, a sled, a map of the area and a photo of the woman, the pilot and their child, which he brings back for her. On the map, he locates a seasonal refuge that appears to be a few days’ trek away. When the woman’s condition does not improve, he decides he must risk the journey to the refuge to seek rescue. He secures the woman to the sled and drags her behind him.
After passing the furthest point he has made it from the plane, he runs into a steep slope not indicated on the map. He climbs it alone and sees a relatively smooth path in front of him, but cannot hoist the woman up using ropes. As a result, he must change their route, which adds at least three days to their travel along a path that is exposed to the wind. When they take refuge one night in a cave, a polar bear is attracted to the scent of cooking fish. He drives the bear off with a distress flare. The next day, the woman’s condition worsens. Assuming her to be near death, he abandons her to continue his journey alone but leaves her with the picture.