The storyline revolves around Colonel Valentin Lebedev, who is in charge of the military operation, his daughter Yulia, who develops a romantic relationship with the alien Hekon, and her former boyfriend Artyom who is the main antagonist.Attraction 2017.
Hekon is a representative of a technologically-advanced humanoid race who travels to Earth incognito for research purposes. While traveling through the Solar System, his spaceship is damaged by a meteor shower. The Russian Air Force mistakes his spaceship for a NATO military spacecraft and damages it by firing missiles into it, causing it to crash into several buildings in Moscow and kill hundreds of people. It is on that same day when Yulia and Artyom have finished attending a meteor-watching event, that Yulia’s friend Svetlana is killed while watching some meteors.
The Russian government decides not to enter into contact with the ship and let it fix itself on its own. The area around the landing site is evacuated and cordoned off; Moscow is then placed under a curfew. Meanwhile, Yulia, Artyom, and his friends Khariton, Ruslan, and Piton sneak into the crash site to investigate the alien: after they beat him up and cause him to crash down a building, they retrieve his armor before an army patrol may find them. On another day, Yulia sneaks again to retrieve the alien, placing him with a nerdy classmate known as “Google” to help the alien recover. While examining his body, she notices a wristband forming on her right wrist, which manipulates water.
The alien, who introduces himself as “Hekon”, was initially unsure about Earth and its people, but tells them that he is looking for a device known as “Shilk”, that allows him to travel through space without destroying his body. Shilk, like the spaceship, appears to be attracting water. As he goes out to the streets to look for the device, the police mistake him for a drug addict and send him off to a police station to be interrogated.