Picture this: Your daughter who lives 9,000 km away calls you out of the blue at three o’clock in the morning and says, “Baba, keep talking, someone’s following me.”What would you do? More importantly, what can you do?For director Shihab Shaheen, those ten minutes of phone conversation were harrowing, for nothing feels more helpless to a father than being able to do nothing about ensuring her safety.Baba Someone’s Following Me 2023 Full Movie Download
It was this 2019 real-life incident that inspired Shaheen to make a movie out of it. A movie that’s not just a “crime-thriller-drama” according to the director, but something that also taps into “human angle by exploring the dynamics of the relationship between a father and daughter, with a touch of fiction on the side.”Before its release on ‘Binge’ on 23 November, director Shihab Shaheen and lead actor Tania Farin spoke to The Business Standard regarding their movie ‘Baba Someone’s Following Me’.”I tried to fictionalise what a desperate father could do in such a scenario. In reality, there isn’t much to be done anyway,” said the director.To blend with the narrative, Shaheen designed other supporting characters and roles to add weight to the script.
Farin portrayed the distressed daughter ‘Bijoya’. “I don’t think so. For me, every character I play is real,” Farin said, upon being asked if she had to add realism to her portrayal of a very real incident.For Farin, as long as she finds the scripts convincing and engaging, it doesn’t matter whether she’s acting in a real life inspired character or a fictional one.”It piqued my interest and kept me gripped,” she said.More than the crime-thriller genre, stories involving complex human stories are what draws Farin in. S