Bad Genius (2017) is a Thai heist thriller directed by Nattawut Poonpiriya, inspired by real-life exam cheating scandals. The film follows Lynn, a brilliant but financially struggling high school student who earns a scholarship to an elite school. There, she befriends Grace, a kind but academically weak student, and Grace’s wealthy boyfriend, Pat. When Lynn helps Grace cheat on a test, Pat offers to pay her in exchange for helping him and his friends as well. Realizing the potential to make money, Lynn devises an elaborate cheating scheme using hand signals during exams.Bad Genius 2024 Movie Download.
As her operation grows, Bank, another top student with strong moral principles, discovers their scheme and reports it, leading to Lynn losing her scholarship. However, when Bank himself faces financial struggles, he is persuaded to join their biggest mission yet—cheating on the STIC, an international standardized test, in exchange for a massive payout. The plan requires them to travel to Sydney, take the test early, and relay the answers to students in Thailand.
Despite meticulous planning, unexpected challenges arise, and Bank begins to question his choices, leading to a tense fallout between him and Lynn. As the pressure mounts, Lynn faces a moral dilemma, realizing the consequences of her actions. In the end, she makes a bold decision that challenges the corrupt system while staying true to her conscience.Bad Genius is a thrilling and thought-provoking film that explores themes of class inequality, morality, and the pressures of academic excellence. With its intense pacing, sharp cinematography, and stellar performances, the film transforms a simple cheating scheme into a high-stakes crime drama, making it one of the most critically acclaimed Thai films of its time.