I think it’s fair to say that fans of the Bond series have been eagerly awaiting some new content for a while now. These desperate times have seen us barricaded in our rooms, itching for something – anything – Bond-related to hold on to. Each release date that has come and gone, each delay, each tentative allowance of hope, has brought us so high, only for us to fall again and again, like Sisyphus’ rock, except this time it’s a bloke in a tan suit jumping repeatedly off a bridge instead.Thankfully then, within days of the US and International trailers being dropped, we also have “Being James Bond: The Daniel Craig Story”.Being James Bond 2021 Full Documentary Download
which is available now on Apple TV. Frankly, it couldn’t have come at a better time.Not only does this documentary give us something to sate our appetites for the next few weeks until ‘No Time To Die’ does finally hit our screens, it also serves as something of a reminder to audiences who this Bond fellow is and what adventures he’s been on since 2006. Much like the US trailer, this documentary seems to serve as a way to jog memories and fill in the blanks of audiences who, unlike some of us, don’t actually respirate Bond. Strange to think that these folks exist, but I can assure you from many conversations at dinner parties over the years that quite a few people don’t know just what the hell is going on with James Bond. And with this suitably extended and necessary hiatus, that gap in the collective knowledge seems only to have deepened.However, it’s not all for those who are suffering from a spot of memory loss. Not everyone needs to see the word ‘Vladivostok’ to remember who James Bond is. And for those folks, there is enough meat on the bones here to pick at. Perhaps not a hearty meal, but this was only ever supposed to invigorate our appetites. More a Shrubland’s salad than a Dr. No dinner date.