Young and reckless Detroit Police Department detective Axel Foley’s latest unauthorized sting operation goes sour when two uniformed officers intervene, resulting in a high-speed chase through the city that causes widespread damage. His superior, Inspector Douglas Todd reprimands Axel for his behavior and threatens to fire him unless he changes his ways on the force. Axel arrives at his apartment to find it has been broken into by his childhood friend, Michael (Mikey) Tandino. When they were kids, Mikey and Axel committed grand theft auto together, and Mikey took the rap for it and served time in prison.Beverly Hills Cop 1984 Movie Download.
Axel asks to investigate Mikey’s murder, but Inspector Todd refuses to allow it because of his close ties to Mikey. Axel uses the guise of taking vacation time to head to Beverly Hills to solve the crime alone. He finds Jenny working in an art gallery and learns about Mikey’s ties to Victor Maitland, the gallery’s owner. Posing as a flower deliveryman, Axel goes to Maitland’s office and tries to question him about Mikey, but is thrown out a window by Maitland’s bodyguards and arrested. At the police station, Lieutenant Andrew Bogomil assigns Sergeant John Taggart and Detective Billy Rosewood to follow Axel. Taggart and Billy have a humiliating encounter with Axel when he sabotages their car. As a result, Billy and Taggart do not get along with Axel at first, but the three do begin to develop a mutual respect after they foil a robbery at a striptease bar.
On the trail of Mikey’s killers, Axel sneaks into one of Maitland’s warehouses, where he finds crates full of coffee grounds, which he suspects were used to pack drugs while covering their scent from police dogs. He also discovers that many of Maitland’s crates have not gone through customs. After being arrested again, this time after a battle with Zack at Maitland’s country club, Axel admits to Bogomil that Maitland must be a smuggler.