The film starts while Shreya drawis a figure of a girl’s face vigorously on the walls of a mental asylum. She has drawn the same picture over all the walls. The story then goes to flashback.Rano is an aspiring filmmaker who wants to make a documentary on ‘Lakshmi’s Bari’ , a supposedly haunted place situated on the banks of Ajay river on the outskirts of Bolpur. Rano and his girlfriend Shreya and Shreya’s friend Pritha and her boyfriend Debu travel to the place on the evening prior to bhoot chaturdashi.Bhoot Chaturdashi 2019 Movie Download.
After reaching Bolpur, they gather information about the place. It is then revealed that Lakshmi is the illegal child of the Tagore family, and she was raised at a palace made for her. People believed that she might be a witch and hence, she was sacrificed to Goddess Chamunda by burning her alive, but while burning she ran away and was never found. Rano and his team were warned to not go into that house which is believed to be haunted.After reaching that place, Rano started exploring the house with a camera, while Pritha and Debu, in spite of having no interest in going there, started exploring. Meanwhile, Shreya found an anklet while Rano found a skeleton, implying that the ritual of sacrifice might survive. While they are busy shooting and exploring, a child runs around whom they didn’t notice.
After they finish shooting they reach a river bank. Rano and the others are relaxing there when they encounter a gathering of villagers and tantriks where a cremation is taking place. They learn that that day is bhoot chaturdashi, when this type of thing occurs. While they head back they find a strange looking idol in the middle of the road that appears again during their journey. At that point they realize that something sinister is there so they want out.