Bilocation, or sometimes multilocation, is an alleged psychic or miraculous ability wherein an individual or object is located (or appears to be located) in two distinct places at the same time.[1] Reports of bilocational phenomena have been made in a wide variety of historical and religious contexts, ranging from ancient Greek legends and Christian traditions to modern occultism.The ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras is said to have been capable of bilocation. According to Porphyry (writing several centuries after Pythagoras):The concept of bilocation has been linked with shamanism,[6] Theosophy,[7] Islam (especially Sufism),[8] and Jewish mysticism.Bilocation 2013 Full Movie Download
[9]It is also one of the siddhis of Hinduism and Buddhism.[10][11] Several prominent Hindu gurus, including Neem Karoli Baba,[12] Sri Yukteswar,[13] and Lahiri Mahasaya,[13] have been reported to have this ability.The English occultist Aleister Crowley was reported by acquaintances to have the ability to bilocate, even though he said he was not conscious of its happening at the time.The history of Christianity contains many reports of miraculous bilocations. Among the earliest of these is the apparition of Our Lady of the Pillar. This is an alleged appearance of the Virgin Mary in Caesaraugusta, Spain, in the year 40 CE, at a time when she is believed to have been still alive and living in Jerusalem.Other Christian figures said to have experienced bilocation include Saint Drogo,[16] Anthony of Padua,[17] Francis of Paola,[18] Francis Xavier,[19] Martin de Porres,[20] María de Ágreda,[21][22] María de León Bello y Delgado,[citation needed] Alphonsus Liguori,[5] Gerard Majella,[23] and Pio of Pietrelcina.However, Catholic philosophers disagree as to whether a person can really be physically located in two places at once, or whether the bilocations of the saints only take the form of non-substantial apparitions.[