Nolan Wright survives a car crash, physically intact but suffering from amnesia. Having lost his wife in the same accident, he is now a single father to his 10-year-old daughter, Ava. Due to his amnesia, Nolan has a hard time remembering his past and doing basic tasks, including cooking and picking up his daughter from school. Ava, who is very mature and highly precocious, aids him in many of these tasks, and makes excuses for him when he falls short in social settings.Black Box 2020 Full Movie Download
After receiving numerous warnings from a teacher at Ava’s school regarding his forgetful behavior (which comes as neglect to those who do not know Nolan’s condition), and failing to get a photography contract at work, Nolan decides to opt for an experimental procedure that might help him get his memory back.After talking with his friend, Dr. Gary Yeboah, Nolan decides to enlist the help of Dr. Brooks, a neurologist at the hospital he was first brought to after the accident. After using hypnosis, Dr. Brooks explores Nolan’s mind, and deems him a suitable subject for the experimental procedure. With the help of Dr. Brooks, and her “black box,” Nolan explores the recesses of his mind, and tries to regain his memory.Unfortunately, this is not an easy process. Nolan sees figures, but not faces, and is frequently confronted by some sort of monster that causes him to panic and leave the memories. The good side is, however, that outside Dr. Brooks’ office, he begins to catch glimpses of other memories, which help him work towards a more normal and healthy relationship with Ava.None of this lasts long, though. As Dr. Brooks pushes Nolan further and further, he begins to suspect that there is a dark truth in his past, and although Dr. Yeboah assures him this is not the case, Nolan is frantic with worry. Eventually, in a session with Dr. Brooks, Nolan defeats the monster in his memories and looks into a mirror, only to realize he is not Nolan at all. When he comes to, he is aware of his true identity: Thomas Brooks, Dr. Brooks’ own son.