Nina Sayers is a 28-year-old who lives with her overprotective mother and dances with a New York City ballet company. The company is opening the season with Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake. After forcing prima ballerina Beth MacIntyre into retirement, artistic director Thomas Leroy announces he is looking for a new dancer for the dual roles of the innocent and fragile White Swan Odette and the sensual Black Swan Odile. Nina auditions for the roles and gives a flawless performance as Odette, but fails to embody Odile. Black Swan 2010 Movie Download. Black Swan 2010 Movie Download.
The following day, Nina asks Thomas to reconsider her role. When he forcibly kisses her, she bites him and runs out of his office. Later that day, Nina sees the cast list and discovers to her surprise she has received the lead roles. At a gala celebrating the new season, an intoxicated Beth accuses her of sleeping with Thomas for a promotion. The following day, Nina hears Beth was hit by a car. Thomas believes Beth was committing suicide.
During rehearsals, Thomas tells Nina to observe a newcomer, Lily, who has a physical resemblance to Nina but also an uninhibited quality Nina lacks. Nina hallucinates a doppelgänger more and more frequently and finds scratch marks on her own back.
One night, despite Erica’s objection, Nina accepts Lily’s invitation to go out for drinks. Lily offers Nina an ecstasy capsule, saying it would help her relax. Nina turns it down, but Lily spikes her drink with the powder. Under its influence, Nina flirts with men at the bar and Lily as well. The two dance at a nightclub and return to Nina’s apartment late. After arguing with her mother, Nina barricades herself in her room and has sex with Lily. She wakes up the next morning alone, still locked in her room from inside, and late for the dress rehearsal.