A mind-bending love story following Greg who, after recently being divorced and then fired, meets the mysterious Isabel, a woman living on the streets and convinced that the polluted, broken world around them is just a computer simulation. Doubtful at first, Greg eventually discovers there may be some truth to Isabel’s wild conspiracy.Bliss 2021 full Movie.
Owen Wilson is known for a sense of whimsy in his acting—it’s no coincidence that “wow!” became his unofficial catchphrase—but he plays something more cloudy and pained at the beginning of “Bliss,” sitting in an office. He can only dream of such a feeling of awe, drawing pictures of a lakeside villa that he sees in his head, all while sitting at his desk for a company called Technical Difficulties. A ruthlessly desaturated color palette emphasizes how bad things are, and then Cahill’s script makes things worse for Greg—a shocking moment in which he accidentally kills his boss by knocking his head into a table. Not one to just leave a body just lying there, Greg props the body up to a window, behind a curtain, and escapes to a nearby bar.
Inside, Greg is forcefully interacted with by a woman named Isabel (Salma Hayek) who exclaims “You’re real!” to him, and slowly plants this idea that she has powers. When she waves her hand, she can knock a tray out of a waiter’s hand many feet away. The trick is in some inhaling some yellow crystals, and the fact that, according to Isabel, many people at the bar are not “real.” But Greg is only totally convinced of her abilities (stay with me here) when she engineers it so that the boss’ death looks like a suicide, as the corpse suddenly pops out the window and crashes many stories below. Isabel convinces Greg to hide out with her at her place—a makeshift apartment under the freeway—and uses the time to show Greg that he too can blow things over using his finger.