Burial Ground Massacre begins with a man, face unseen, applying war paint, and a mask, before picking up a tomahawk. On the soundtrack, we hear chanting and a monologue about the people’s covenant with the land before the white man arrived delivered by Michael Madsen (Angels Fallen, Red Handed). At that point, I had to stop and look it up, but he does actually have some Native American ancestry on his mother’s side, so I guess it’s legit for him to be talking about “our people” and “our land”.Adrianna (Chelsea Vale, Black Wake) takes a long drive during which she sees a Native American girl at the side of the road and in the back of her car. Meanwhile, a couple who just had sex in a car are killed by the figure we saw in the prologue.Burial Ground Massacre 2021 Full Movie Download
Speaking of parties, Chase’s (Blaise Serra, Pitching Tents) parents have just left for the weekend and he and Javon (Chris Whitcomb, Blood Circus) are about to throw one, the first people invited are Adrianna and Kayla (Brittany Toczko, The Manor). Can you guess what uninvited guest turns up?
As it so happens, Chase lives in a mansion built on an Indian burial ground and among the artifacts his family has collected is a cursed ring that Chief Tocho (Christopher C. Romero, Killer Ink) blames for the loss of the land.He’s hired Damon to get it back by any means necessary. Damon is played by Michael Madsen in some scenes, when he’s masked up though he’s played by professional wrestler Vinny Marseglia and the difference is very noticeable. That’s not a spoiler BTW, the film’s own publicity, including the film’s poster, gives it away. And if they didn’t his monologue should have.