Married couple Leonora and Jacob (Gitte Witt and Thomas Gullestad) accept a sketchy invitation from rich creep Mathias (Thorbjørn Harr), who, after a devastating nuclear war, promises a free meal and entertainment to all of his guests. Mathias’ invitation is immediately suspect because, well, look at the scenario: shelter, food, and general resources are scarce, but some rando has promised a full meal, as well as an evening of sinister, interactive dinner theater, from inside a cavernous, disused luxury hotel. “May I show you my wonderland?” asks Mathias, from behind neatly parted hair, a black bow tie, and a well-pressed dinner jacket. Mathias is directly addressing Alice (Tuva Olivia Remman), Jacob and Leonora’s impressionable young daughter. If you don’t know where this story is headed, you’re either in denial or not paying attention.Cadaver full Movie Download.
Thankfully, Mathias’ obviously evil nature is sort of the crux of “Cadaver”: what do you do when you have no choice but to accept threatening new possibilities at face value, because, in order to survive, you have to make yourself think positive? That tension not only defines Leonora and Jacob’s relationship—she’s a reluctant optimist while he’s a mopey pessimist—but also Mathias’ character: he’s clearly malicious, and also maybe the only game in town. “Cadaver” is a suggestive fable about struggling to be hopeful despite, well, everything. It’s also a little too monotonous and uninvolving to be of great solace right now.
Thankfully, “Cadaver” does have an effectively chilly ambience, which helps a little whenever writer/director Jarand Herdal’s scenario is as obvious as Mathias. Herdal’s story mostly follows Leonora as the most sympathetic protagonist is inevitably separated from her family while they explore Mathias’ hotel. Jacob is relatable, too, but it’s much easier to side with Leonora given that she’s the one who insists that “we have to believe that things will work out.” “How can you be so sure?” Jacob asks her one night while they lie in bed, their faces juxtaposed in complimentary halves. “Because it has to be,” she responds inelegantly.