Enid is a video censor working during the video nasty era. She gains media attention when one of the videos she approved was linked to a serial killer dubbed “The Amnesia Killer”, as he claims to not remember any of the murders. It also brings her to the attention of a sleazy film producer named Doug, who wants her to review a horror film for him; the film, Don’t Go in the Church by Frederick North, reminds Enid of her sister Nina, who went missing when she was only seven. Enid is disturbed by the film, particularly the creepy actor “Beastman”.Censor 2021 Movie Download.
Enid grows obsessed with North, renting one of his banned films, Asunder. When she sees the actress in the film, Alice Lee, Enid is stunned, and becomes convinced that she is her missing sister, grown up and starring in the film. Enid informs her parents of her theory, who demand instead that she move on, and that her sister is dead.
Enid’s hold on reality grows increasingly more tenuous, as she has surreal, confusing dreams about Alice Lee, Beastman, and the church from Don’t Go in the Church. Enid obtains Doug’s home address from her office archives and goes to meet him. Doug invites her into his house, and learns that director North will be filming a sequel to Church, starring Alice Lee, and that it will be Alice’s last film. Doug tries to force himself on Enid, and in the ensuing struggle accidentally impales himself on one of his awards.
Enid, her sanity quickly eroding, manages to obtain the filming address for Church 2, and travels to the location, where she is mistaken for one of the film’s actresses. When she encounters North, Enid tries to ask about Alice Lee and his inspiration for the film, but only learns that he based the movie on a true story. He ignores her pleas for her sister and instead makes her perform in the movie, unaware that Enid is hallucinating and losing her grip on reality. Under this haze, Enid murders Beastman in order to rescue Alice, only coming out of her daze when the crew reacts in horror.