The narrative centers around a young woman named Pav, who witnesses the brutal murder of her brother by corrupt police officers. Determined to seek justice for her sibling, she becomes a target for the very police force responsible for the crime.Code 8 Part II 2024 Movie Download.
Fearing for her life, Pav turns to Connor Reed, an ex-convict with electric powers, and his former partner, Garrett, a telekinetic. Together, this unlikely trio must navigate a dangerous world filled with powerful individuals and advanced technology wielded by the corrupt police unit.The narrative centers around a young woman named Pav, who witnesses the brutal murder of her brother by corrupt police officers. Determined to seek justice for her sibling, she becomes a target for the very police force responsible for the crime.
Fearing for her life, Pav turns to Connor Reed, an ex-convict with electric powers, and his former partner, Garrett, a telekinetic. Together, this unlikely trio must navigate a dangerous world filled with powerful individuals and advanced technology wielded by the corrupt police unit.The narrative centers around a young woman named Pav, who witnesses the brutal murder of her brother by corrupt police officers. Determined to seek justice for her sibling, she becomes a target for the very police force responsible for the crime.Fearing for her life, Pav turns to Connor Reed, an ex-convict with electric powers, and his former partner, Garrett, a telekinetic. Together, this unlikely trio must navigate a dangerous world filled with powerful individuals and advanced technology wielded by the corrupt police unit.
Options | Quality | Language | Size | Clicks | Added |
Download | Mega 1080p | Dual Audio(English-Hindi) | 2.1Gb | 248 | 11 months |
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Download | HD 1080p | Dual Audio(English-Hindi) | 2.1Gb | 4154 | 11 months |
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Download | HD 1080p | Dual Audio(English-Hindi) | 5.3Gb | 3787 | 11 months |