Cujo, a friendly and easygoing St. Bernard, chases a wild rabbit and inserts his head into a cave, where a rabid bat bites him in the nose. Meanwhile, the Trenton family — advertising executive Vic, housewife Donna, and their sensitive young son Tad — take their car to the rural home of abusive mechanic Joe Camber for some repairs, where they meet Cujo, the Camber family’s pet, and get along well with him.Cujo 1983 Full Movie Download
Donna notices Cujo’s bitten nose, but thinks little of it. Later, Vic and Donna’s marriage is tested when Vic learns that Donna is having an affair with her ex-boyfriend from high school, Steve Kemp, while Vic’s advertising for a cereal commercial is failing. The early signs of Cujo’s infection start to appear, including sensitivity to loud noises, and fraying temper producing soft growls, but no one notices these changes in his behavior. Charity and Brett, Joe’s wife and son, leave the house for a week to visit Charity’s sister Holly. On the morning of their departure, the furious stage of the infection begins to set in; though Cujo refrains from attacking Brett, he soon goes completely mad and kills the Cambers’ alcoholic neighbor Gary Pervier. Shortly afterwards, Joe goes to Gary’s house and finds him dead, then tries to call the authorities just before Cujo appears and attacks him.
Vic goes out of town on a business trip, as Donna and Tad return to the Camber’s house for more car repairs. Cujo attacks them, and they are forced to take shelter in their Ford Pinto. Donna tries to drive home, but the car’s alternator dies and the two are trapped inside. The hot sun makes conditions nearly unbearable, and Donna realizes that she must do something before they both die from heatstroke or dehydration.