In May 1998, at a star party, teenage amateur astronomer Leo Beiderman observes an unidentified object in the night sky. He sends a picture to astronomer Dr. Marcus Wolf, who realizes it is a comet on collision course with Earth. Wolf dies in a car crash while racing to raise the alarm.Deep Impact 1998 Movie Download.
A year later, journalist Jenny Lerner investigates Secretary of the Treasury Alan Rittenhouse over his connection with “Ellie”, whom she supposes to be a mistress. She is apprehended by the FBI and taken to meet President Tom Beck, who persuades her not to share the story for 48 hours in return for a prominent role in the press conference he will arrange. She subsequently discovers that “Ellie” is actually an acronym — ELE — which stands for “extinction-level event”. Two days later, Beck announces that the comet Wolf–Beiderman is on course to impact the Earth in roughly one year and could cause humanity’s extinction. He reveals that the United States and Russia have been constructing the Messiah in orbit, a spacecraft to transport a team to alter the comet’s path with nuclear bombs.Deep Impact 1998 Movie Download.
The Messiah launches a short time later with a crew of five American astronauts and one Russian cosmonaut. They land on the comet’s surface and drill the nuclear bombs deep beneath its surface, but the work takes longer than anticipated and the crew are still on the surface when the comet’s rotation moves them into the sunlight. Consequently, one astronaut is blinded and another propelled into space by an explosive release of gas. The remaining crew escape the comet and detonate the bombs.Rather than deflect the comet, the bombs split it in two. Beck announces the mission’s failure in a television address, and that both pieces — the larger now named Wolf and the smaller named Beiderman — are both still headed for Earth. Martial law is imposed and a lottery selects 800,000 Americans to join 200,000 pre-selected individuals in underground shelters.