Madhukar “Madhu” Bhagla, a young college student hailing from a middle class family, wins a competitive eating contest and receives his prize from Parthavi Singh Rathore, a rich girl from a political family who also happens to be studying in the same college as Madhu. His friend Purshottam later finds Parthavi bathing in a lake and informs Madhu of the same. Madhu impresses Parthavi but incurs a minor injury meanwhile. The two begin to have feelings for each other.Dhadak 2018 Movie Download.
Madhu goes back to his family restaurant where his father makes him promise to stay away from Parthavi since she hails from a powerful, affluent upper-caste family. Madhu ignores Parthavi at college, but she later confronts him for ignoring her. The two admit their love for each other and begin meeting secretly. Madhu asks Parthavi for a kiss, but she dares him to come to her brother Roop’s birthday party. They share a kiss at the party, but are discovered by Parthavi’s father, Ratan Singh Rathore. Roop and Ratan thrash Madhu and his friends but later are told by Inspector Shekhawat to calm down and wait for the election results before any severe action.
Once the elections are over, Madhu and his friends are arrested on charges pressed by Ratan, who wins. Parthavi pleads to Ratan to release Madhu and his friends. In an ensuing scuffle, she manages to get hold of a gun and threatens to shoot herself if Madhu is not freed. Madhu runs up to her and together, they elope. With the police on their trail, Madhu and Parthavi board a train to Mumbai, where Madhu contacts his maternal uncle and the two travel to Nagpur.Madhu’s uncle advises them to go to Kolkata for the time being. In Kolkata, they rent a small room for living; Madhu starts working in a roadside restaurant after learning Bengali while Parthavi finds work at a call centre.
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Download | Watch Online | Hindi | ---- | 267 | 3 years |
Download | Mega(All Ql.) | Hindi | ---- | 290 | 3 years |
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Download | SD 480p | Hindi | 400Mb | 249 | 3 years |
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