One year before his death, Sir Bowen visits the cave-home of his long-dead dragon friend Draco, and there finds an egg. He takes the egg to a monastery where his friend Brother Gilbert, an eccentric and virtuous monk, lives. The friars at the monastery pledge to hide the dragon away, with Friar Peter (John Woodnutt) protecting him and teaching him for 20 years. The task of taking care of the dragon is passed to a young and grumpy but just friar named Mansel (Matt Hickey).DragonHeart: A New Beginning Movie Download.
An orphaned stable boy named Geoff (Christopher Masterson), who dreams of one day becoming a knight like Bowen, lives at the monastery, doing menial chores; he tricks Mansel into manual labor and finds the hidden Drake, the dragon (voiced by Robby Benson). At first Geoff is afraid, but realizes Drake is more afraid of him. They soon form a friendship.
Meanwhile, two Chinese citizens (Henry O and Rona Figueroa), appearing to be a frail old man and apprentice, enter the kingdom and ask Friar Peter if he knows anything about dragons, as there is a prophecy stating that “a dragon’s heart will doom mankind when a two-tailed comet blazes across the night sky”. The comet will come in a matter of days, so they want to make sure that there are either no dragons around, or, if there is one, confirm that its heart is pure and that it will not be tempted into fulfilling the prophecy. Meanwhile, the King (Ken Shorter) makes a mysterious man named Osric (Harry Van Gorkum) his adviser, and Osric pledges to unite the kingdom under the old code, but corrupts it by forcing each status of citizen to wear a certain color of tunic.