NSA official Thomas Brian Reynolds meets with U.S. Congressman Phil Hammersley in a public park to discuss support for a new counterterrorism legislation the U.S. Congress is pushing that dramatically expands the surveillance powers of intelligence agencies over individuals and groups. Unconvinced by Reynolds’ rationale that the NSA’s surveillance efforts have prevented several domestic terrorism incidents, Hammersley remains committed to blocking the bill’s passage, wanting to protect U.S. citizens’ privacy, and also as the bill would hurt several major employers in his constituency. Reynolds, wanting the bill passed to help fast-track his long-delayed promotion, has NSA Agent Pratt murder Hammersley while making it appear that he suffered a heart attack.Enemy of the State 1998 Movie Download.
Meanwhile, labor lawyer Robert Clayton Dean is involved in a case involving mafia boss Paulie Pintero. Dean meets with his ex-girlfriend, Rachel Banks, who works for an individual named “Brill”, whom Dean occasionally hires for undercover surveillance. She delivers a tape incriminating Pintero.As police investigate Hammersley’s murder scene, NSA agent Bingham notices biologist Daniel Zavitz swapping out a camera from a remote wildlife watching station across the lake, so Reynolds orders his aide Hicks to assemble a team and take out Zavitz. When Zavitz views footage of the congressman’s murder, he immediately contacts a journalist friend. Having identified Zavitz, Reynolds’ team intercepts the call and rushes to Zavitz’s apartment. Zavitz transfers the video to a disc and hides it in an electronic game device before fleeing.Enemy of the State 1998 Movie Download.
In the ensuing chase, Zavitz bumps into Dean, his old college friend, at a lingerie store. Panicked, Zavitz slips the tape into Dean’s shopping bag without the latter’s knowledge and runs off. While attempting to escape through the busy streets, Zavitz is hit by a fire truck and killed; Zavitz’s journalist friend is also murdered. Reynolds’ team identify Dean and believe he has the video. Posing as police officers, they arrive at Dean’s house wanting to search his recent purchases.