In early 1960 Frank Morris (Clint Eastwood), an exceptionally intelligent criminal who has absconded from other facilities, arrives at the maximum security prison on Alcatraz Island. The Warden (Patrick McGoohan) curtly informs him that Alcatraz is unique within the US prison system for its exceedingly high level of security and that no inmate has ever successfully escaped. During the conversation Morris steals one of the nail clippers on the desk.Over the next several days Morris makes acquaintances with a few inmates: the eccentric Litmus (Frank Ronzio), who is fond of desserts; English (Paul Benjamin), a black inmate serving two life sentences for killing two white men in self-defence; and the elderly Doc (Roberts Blossom), who paints portraits and once grew chrysanthemums at Alcatraz. Morris also makes an enemy of a rapist nicknamed Wolf (Bruce M. Fischer), who tries to harass him in the showers and later attacks him in the prison yard with a knife. Both men are imprisoned in isolation in the hole.Escape From Alcatraz 1979 Movie Download.
Morris is released while Wolf stays. The Warden discovers that Doc has painted a portrait of him, as well as other guards on the island itself. Despite the paintings being respectful and flattering likenesses, he permanently removes Doc’s painting privileges just to be cruel. Doc is depressed and hacks off several fingers of his left hand with a hatchet from the prison workshop before being led away.
Later, Morris encounters two bank robbers and brothers John and Clarence Anglin (Fred Ward and Jack Thibeau), who are his old friends from another prison sentence, and he links up with prisoner Charley Butts (Larry Hankin). Morris notices that the concrete around the grille in his cell is weak and can be chipped away, which evolves into an escape plan. Over the next few months Morris, the Anglins, and Butts dig through the walls of their cells with spoons (which have been soldered into makeshift shovels), make papier-mâché dummies to act as decoys, and construct a raft out of raincoats.