A large meteor crashes in the barren Arizona desert late at night and is witnessed by would-be firefighter Wayne Grey. The next day, local college science professors Ira Kane and Harry Block investigate the crash site, discovering the meteor has landed in a cavern and ‘bleeds’ a strange blue liquid when scraped. They quickly learn that the meteor harbors extraterrestrial nitrogen-based microorganisms that condense millions of years of evolution within a matter of hours: the next day, the microscopic organisms have evolved into asexual fungi and flatworms that cannot breathe oxygen, and aquatic life the day after that.Evolution 2001 Full Movie Download
The site is soon sealed off by the U.S. Army. Ira and Harry ask General Russell Woodman and the clumsy CDC Dr. Allison Reed to aid in their research, but their efforts fail when it is revealed Ira was discharged from the army after a failed experiment of his went terribly wrong. Woodman steals Ira and Harry’s research, forcing them to infiltrate the base to get another meteor sample. To their shock and awe, the caverns now harbor an alien rainforest teeming with tropical plant and animal life, including flying insects and carnivorous plantlife. That night, a large reptilian creature fatally mauls the owner of a local country club, and the next day a dog-sized frog-like animal attacks two elderly ladies in their home. Ira, Harry and Wayne find a valley behind the home filled with suffocating dragon-like creatures, which they theorize cannot yet breathe oxygen and are escaping from the meteor site through the local caverns. However, a newly-born dragon quickly adapts to the earth’s oxygen and terrorizes a shopping mall before being gunned down by the trio.