EXIT (2019) is a South Korean disaster action-comedy film directed by Lee Sang-geun, starring Jo Jung-suk and Im Yoon-ah. The story follows Yong-nam, an unemployed man in his 30s who was once a talented rock climber in college but has struggled to find a job. He attends his mother’s 70th birthday party at a banquet hall, where he reunites with his college crush, Eui-joo, who now works at the venue.EXIT 2019 Movie Download.
During the celebration, a mysterious toxic gas suddenly spreads across the city, causing chaos. Trapped inside the building, Yong-nam quickly realizes that his past rock climbing skills are their only hope for survival. Using his agility and problem-solving abilities, he teams up with Eui-joo to climb buildings, navigate obstacles, and find a way to higher ground before the gas engulfs them.As they face numerous near-death experiences, their journey becomes an intense yet comedic survival adventure, filled with thrilling action sequences and moments of heartfelt emotion. Through determination and teamwork, Yong-nam proves his worth not only to himself but also to his family and Eui-joo.
EXIT masterfully blends action, humor, and emotional depth, making it an exhilarating and entertaining film that resonates with audiences.EXIT (2019) is a South Korean disaster action-comedy film directed by Lee Sang-geun, starring Jo Jung-suk and Im Yoon-ah. The story follows Yong-nam, an unemployed man in his 30s who was once a talented rock climber in college but has struggled to find a job. He attends his mother’s 70th birthday party at a banquet hall, where he reunites with his college crush, Eui-joo, who now works at the venue.During the celebration, a mysterious toxic gas suddenly spreads across the city, causing chaos.