In 1940, Walt Disney released Fantasia, his third animated feature film, consisting of eight animated segments set to pieces of classical music. Initially he planned to have the film on continual release with new segments replacing older ones so audiences would never see the same film twice. The idea was dropped following the film’s initial low box office receipts and a mixed response from critics. Following preliminary work on new segments, the idea was shelved by 1942 and was not revisited for the remainder of Disney’s life. Fantasia 2000 Movie Download
In 1980, animators Wolfgang Reitherman and Mel Shaw started preliminary work on Musicana, a feature film “mixing jazz, classical music, myths, modern art … following the old Fantasia format” that was to present “ethnic tales from around the world with the music of the various countries”.[6] The project was cancelled in favor of Mickey’s Christmas Carol (1983).[7] Fantasia 2000 Movie Download
The idea of a Fantasia sequel was revived shortly after Michael Eisner became chief executive officer of The Walt Disney Company in 1984, when Walt’s nephew, vice chairman Roy E. Disney, suggested it to him at a lunch.[8] The idea had first entered Disney’s mind ten years earlier,[9] and recalled Eisner’s reaction: “It was as if a big light bulb went on over his head. The idea was enticing, but we didn’t have the resources to carry it out”.[10] However, Walt Disney Studios chairman Jeffrey Katzenberg showed a lack of interest in the film.[11] He had once asked André Previn to work on a Fantasia film but Previn declined after he learned it was to feature songs by the Beatles rather than classical music.[12] Eisner approached Leonard Bernstein with the same idea, but while he seemed enthusiastic, Bernstein died before production began.[13] It took a further seven years before the film was reconsidered, after the 1990 reissue of Fantasia grossed $25 million domestically[14] and the announcement of its limited availability on home video in 1991 prompted 9.25 million pre-orders.[15] Disney saw its commercial success as a sign that there was enough public interest in the Fantasia franchise to make a sequel. Eisner finally gave the green-light to the film in 1991, and had Disney serve as executive producer on the basis that its production was funded by the proceeds from the video sales.
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