Ray Kinsella lives with his wife, Annie, and daughter, Karin, on their Dyersville, Iowa, corn farm. Troubled by his broken relationship with his late father, John Kinsella, a devoted baseball fan, he fears growing old without achieving anything.While walking through his cornfield one evening, he hears a voice whispering, “If you build it, he will come.” He sees a vision of a baseball diamond in the cornfield and “Shoeless” Joe Jackson (who in real-life died in 1951) standing in the middle. Believing in him, Annie lets him plow under part of their corn crop to build a baseball field, at risk of financial hardship.Field of Dreams 1989 Movie Download.
As Ray builds the field, he tells Karin about the 1919 Black Sox Scandal. Several months pass, and just as Ray is beginning to doubt himself, Shoeless Joe reappears, asking if others can play, and returns with the seven other Black Sox players. Annie’s brother, Mark, can’t see the players. He warns the couple they are going bankrupt and offers to buy their land. The voice, meanwhile, urges Ray to “ease his pain.”
Ray and Annie attend a PTA meeting, where she argues against someone who is trying to ban books by Terence Mann, a controversial author and activist from the 1960s. Ray deduces the voice was referring to Mann, who had named one of his characters “John Kinsella” and had once professed a childhood dream of playing for the Brooklyn Dodgers. When Ray and Annie have identical dreams about Ray and Mann attending a game at Fenway Park, Ray finds Mann in Boston. Mann, who has become a disenchanted recluse, agrees to attend one game. There Ray hears the voice urging him to “go the distance”, seeing statistics on the scoreboard for Archie “Moonlight” Graham, who played in one game for the New York Giants in 1922 but never got to bat. Mann also admits to hearing the voice and seeing the scoreboard.They drive to Minnesota, learning that Graham, who was a physician, had died years earlier.