The Narrator, an automobile recall specialist is unfulfilled by his job and possessions, and suffers from chronic insomnia. To cure this he attends support groups, posing as a sufferer of diseases. His bliss is disturbed when another impostor, Marla Singer, begins attending the same groups. The two agree to split which groups they attend.Fight Club 1999 full Movie.
On a flight home from a business trip, the Narrator meets soap salesman Tyler Durden. The Narrator returns home to find his apartment and all his belongings have been destroyed by an explosion. Disheartened by his material loss, he calls Tyler and they meet at a bar. Tyler tells him he is trapped by consumerism. In the parking lot, he asks the Narrator to hit him, and they have a fistfight.
The Narrator moves into Tyler’s home, a large dilapidated house in an industrial area. They have further fights outside the bar, which attract growing crowds of men. The fights move to the bar’s basement where the men form Fight Club, which routinely meets.
Marla overdoses on pills and telephones the Narrator for help; he ignores her, but Tyler goes to her apartment to save her. After which they begin a sexual relationship, much to the Narrator’s irritation. Tyler warns the Narrator never to talk to Marla about him. The Narrator blackmails his boss for his company’s assets to support Fight Club and quits his job.
More new members join Fight Club, including Robert “Bob” Paulson, a man with testicular cancer who the Narrator had met in a support group. Tyler then recruits their members to a new anti-materialist and anti-corporate organization, Project Mayhem, without the Narrator’s involvement. The group engages in subversive acts of vandalism, increasingly troubling the Narrator. After the Narrator complains that Tyler has excluded him, Tyler reveals that he was the one who caused the explosion at the Narrator’s condo.
When Paulson is killed by the police during a botched sabotage operation, the Narrator tries to halt the project.