This piece of the Lord’s prayers reminds us that all of the Bible is translation. Jesus didn’t teach us to pray in English, so we are always using translations of what he said. There is a good explanation of the history behind the translations of this particular verse at Desiring God, so I won’t go into that here. Forgive Us Our Trespasses 2022 Full Movie Download
The most important word in this petition, when you think about it, is always translated the same way: Forgive. In this petition of the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus is teaching us to ask for forgiveness. Something that we all need, because we all sin. Right after we pray that our heavenly Father would give us our daily bread, we ask God to forgive us our sins.Forgiveness is one of our deepest needs. It is at the heart of scripture, and at the heart of the gospel. Jesus came to offer us forgiveness and to reconcile us to God. And he encourages us in this prayer to ask for forgiveness, every time we pray. There are so many things I could say about forgiveness and this petition, it is really quite overwhelming. But for this meditation, I will stick with just three.This piece of the Lord’s prayers reminds us that all of the Bible is translation. Jesus didn’t teach us to pray in English, so we are always using translations of what he said. There is a good explanation of the history behind the translations of this particular verse at Desiring God, so I won’t go into that here. You can find it here: https://www.desiringgod.org/articles/forgive-us-our-what.The most important word in this petition, when you think about it, is always translated the same way: Forgive. In this petition of the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus is teaching us to ask for forgiveness. Something that we all need, because we all sin. Right after we pray that our heavenly Father would give us our daily bread, we ask God to forgive us our sins.