While walking along the beach one day in his hometown, aspiring songwriter Jon Burroughs witnesses a man named Lucas trying to drown himself. As Lucas is taken to the hospital, Jon meets a man named Don, who explains that Lucas was the keyboardist for a band called The Soronprfbs, which Don manages. Jon mentions that he plays keyboards and is invited to perform with them that night. The rest of the band – drummer Nana, synthesizer and theremin player Clara, French guitarist Baraque, and lead vocalist Frank – are reluctant to accept him except for Frank, who always wears a papier-mâché mask over his head. Their performance abruptly ends when Clara storms off the stage after being shocked by an electrical fault.Frank 2014 full Movie Download,
Frank invites Jon to become a full-time member of the band. He agrees and accompanies them to Ireland to spend a year in a remote cabin while they work on recording their debut album. One day, Don confesses to Jon that he feels he cannot live up to Frank’s prowess. The next day, Don reveals he has not paid the cabin’s rent and that they are being evicted, but Jon offers to pay what is owed using his grandfather’s inheritance. After completing the album, the band finds what appears to be Frank’s corpse hanging from a tree, but once they remove the mask, they discover it is actually Don. They cremate him, and Clara reveals to Jon that Don was the first keyboardist of the band. Jon reveals that he has been secretly uploading the band’s recording sessions on social media, and that The Soronprfbs have gained a small fan following and have been invited to perform at South by Southwest. Most of the band is offended by Jon’s clandestine promotion of them, but Frank, excited by the prospect of a large audience, agrees to go to the festival. Clara confronts Jon as the latter is soaking in the hot tub, expressing contempt for his growing influence over Frank. The ensuing argument culminates in them having angry sex, and Clara threatens to stab him if the trip to America goes awry.Frank 2014 full Movie Download.