Seventeen-year-old Charley Brewster is a fan of a horror television program called Fright Night, hosted by former movie vampire hunter Peter Vincent. One evening, Charley discovers that his new next-door neighbor Jerry Dandrige is a vampire responsible for the disappearances of several victims. After telling his mother, Charley asks his girlfriend, Amy Peterson, and his friend, “Evil Ed” Thompson, for help before contacting the authorities. Detective Lennox goes with Charley to Jerry’s house to question him, but his “roommate” Billy Cole tells them that Jerry is “away on business”. Charley reveals his suspicions about Jerry’s vampirism, and Lennox leaves, furious.Fright Night 2011 Movie Download.
That night, Charley is shocked to see Jerry inside his house, having been invited in by Charley’s mother. Later, Jerry visits Charley and offers him a choice: ignore his vampiric activities, or else. Charley refuses, brandishing a crucifix at Jerry. When Jerry tries to push him out the window to his death, Charley stabs Jerry’s hand with a pencil. Jerry destroys Charley’s car in retaliation and threatens Charley over the telephone.Charley turns to Peter Vincent for help, but Peter dismisses Charley as an obsessed fan. Amy, fearing for Charley’s sanity and safety, hires the destitute Peter to “prove” that Jerry is not a vampire by having him drink what they claim is “holy water”, but it is only tap water; Jerry has claimed to Peter that drinking actual holy water would be against his religious convictions.
Peter discovers Charley is right about Jerry’s true nature after glancing at his pocket mirror and noticing Jerry’s lack of a reflection, causing him to accidentally drop the mirror; Peter then flees, but Jerry learns of his discovery after finding a shard of mirrored glass on the floor.Jerry hunts down Ed and turns him into a vampire, then Ed proceeds to visit Peter and tries to attack him, only to be warded off when burned by a crucifix to the forehead. Meanwhile, Jerry chases Charley and Amy into a nightclub.