A young woman is abducted by a strange group of human traffickers who use drug and trauma based mind control to turn women into “Sofia” dolls. Trapped in a waking nightmare she fights for a way to escape, to avoid becoming Girl Next. This is very far from being a masterpiece, but I will still recommend it so let me explain why. Girl Next 2021 full
Let us start with the bad. The directing here is pretty bad, the story is pretty good but executed upon poorly and the writing that could have elevated the story is severely lacking. Music is horrible. Camera work is abysmal.
The acting is half and half. Half of the actors are great half the time, the other half suck half the time, mostly it is just meh.
So why am I giving this a 6/10 and why am I still recommending it?
Well the movie itself has a decent core story, albeit the script is not doing the story justice. But if you only look at the overarching story by itself, and especially the post credit scene (yes! Don’t miss it!) this is pretty great. Also we get a trans woman as a main evil antagonist, I thought that was illegal?
Lacey Cofran is excellent in the protagonist role, although as with the rest; the script and directing is ruining performance. She is also gorgeous and I believe she might get more (and better) roles in the future.
I actually think there is a good movie here, hidden among all the trashy over the top dialogue and weird directorial work and horrible script. All the actors, with perhaps one exception, are excellent and do a great job with absolutely nothing to work with. With a great director, a bit more budget, and writers that can actually write I think this could have been an excellent horror movie.
In reality this is probably 3/10, but I give the movie a few extra points due to what I mention above. I sort of recommend, but if so you cannot miss the post credit scene.