Chloe and her estranged mother, Catherine, moved to Detroit much to Chloe’s dismay. She is weirded out after finding a pack of gnomes spread around the house, so she gives one to her awkward neighbor, Liam. During dinner, she hears a noise coming from the kitchen and discovers a secret room that holds a bright green gem, which she takes and turns into a necklace; unbeknownst to her, a portal from another realm opens up in her basement, unleashing a pack of rabid and hungry creatures named “Troggs. At school, she befriends popular girl Brittany and her friends, Chelsea and Tiffany. She catches Brittany’s attention with the necklace and gives it to her in hopes of gaining popularity. At home, she finds a Trogg and tries to kill it with various objects, but it eats everything she throws its way. An unseen object later blows it up. Gnome Alone 2017 Movie Download
The next day, her mom announces that she will be taking an extra shift at work, allowing a group of gnomes to tie her up after learning of the Trogg’s existence. The gnomes, led by Zook, ask her about the “Keystone” and reveal that the necklace (Keystone) is the only thing keeping the Troggs from invading their realm but are interrupted by a Trogg. After several struggles, Zook reveals that music is the Trogg’s weakness and sends the Gnome Alone 2017 Movie Download
Trogg back to where it came from using his ooze blaster. Liam witnessed the event, so Chloe recruits him to help fight off the Troggs. Chloe attempts to get the necklace back from Brittany but to no avail. The gnomes retreat to their hideout -where the necklace was kept- and call a code red, locking them all inside the house to keep the Troggs from escaping into the outside. Quicksilver, one of the gnomes, reveals that the Troggs became their mortal enemies after they devoured the life that the gnomes thrived. Using the Keystone, they were able to stop the Trogg’s portals from opening. Zook reveals that one of their own, Zamfeer, the former leader of the gnomes, once journeyed into the Trogg realm to destroy it but never returned. Using limited ooze from a plant, Chloe, Liam, and the gnomes help fight off the Troggs.