It’s a blessing that not all Tolly actors decide to get their six packs or stand on cliffs with outstretched hands singing. That’s why we still have a Rudranil, or a Parambrata and a film like Hawa Bodol. The story line, for starters is nothing absolutely out of the box. There’s some similarity with the Rob Schneider starrer The Hot Chick, and ofcourse Suborno Golok. But what a brilliant job Anindya Bose has done with the script and how Param has used it to a hilt is to be seen to be believed. The film starts with a typically urban couple where the advances of the husband are turned down by a very hot but albeit tired wife.Hawa Bodol 2013 Movie Download.
As the glass of water in Jeet’s (Parambrata) hand transforms to that of a whisky glass in Raj’s (Rudranil) hand, the laughter riot starts. We have heard many a pick up line in films. But Rudra’s nonchalant “Gypsyder music shunbe?” to a girl in the discotheque is simply out of the world. When the two friends meet, Rudra’s battered Maruti 800 with a BMW sticker, and Parambrata’s shiny new Honda, immediately make their social standing evident. During their first meet, Rudra comes across a little too flamboyant and Param is a bit mellow. However, when Rudra ends up saying, “amra nangto boyesher bandhu’, in front of his sophisticated friend’s wife and Param has a violent start, we don’t think they were acting. The two could just be like that.Hawa Bodol 2013 Movie Download.
Imagine the two friends buying booze after shops have closed, and getting drunk and creating a racket followed by a typically angry gentleman on the balcony. Something we have all done or seen in our lives. But with Rudra retorting to the man, “Ami Dharmendra are o Amitav,” that’s where the film clicks. It’s the little nuances that we can all connect to, paired with a brilliant script and absolutely spontaneous acting that has us in splits.Hawa Bodol 2013 Movie Download.