40 years after the events of the previous film, Jennifer Hills, (Camille Keaton) wrote a bestselling memoir based on her rape and has become a successful rape counselor. Her daughter, Christy Hills (Jamie Bernadette), is a successful model, having been one since the age of 10. The families of Jennifer’s victims have begun their plan for revenge. The team consists of Johnny’s wife, Becky (Maria Olsen), Johnny’s mother, Millie (Holgie Forrester), Johnny’s father, Henry (Henry Roy Allen III), Matthew’s grandmother, Beady Eyes (Alexandra Kenworthy), Matthew’s father, Herman (Jim Tavare), Andy’s cousin, Scotty (Jeremy Ferdman), and Stanley’s brother, Kevin (Jonathan Peacy).I Spit on Your Grave: Deja Vu 2019 full Movie
Christy meets Jennifer at a restaurant, where she expresses her desire to leave modeling and pursue something more challenging. When the two leave, Kevin and Scotty pull over their truck and ask Jennifer to sign a copy of her memoir. They kidnap the two women and take them to the country. There, Becky meets up with them and expresses her anger. Both Kevin and Becky take Jennifer to the site where she hanged Matthew, while Scotty drives Christy to an unknown location. Jennifer is forced to dig a hole while listening to classical music (due to Johnny being killed with classical music playing in the background). Nearly killed by Matthew’s father, she escapes.
Meanwhile, Christy convinces Scotty to pull over on the premise of her needing to use the restroom. Instead, she seduces him and knocks him out with a short tree branch. She steals his truck and drives back to the location. Jennifer is greeted by an old woman who threatens her and is then picked up by an odd, old couple and is dropped off at a church. She finds it to be locked and is met by Becky who, after forcing her to beg for her life, decapitates Jennifer. Christy arrives moments later, finds her mother dead and tries to find help. When she arrives back to the church, someone in the truck is shown to have stolen Jennifer’s body. Christy is then chased by Becky into the woods, where she is gang raped by she and Kevin. Herman manages to stop the rape and Christy runs away, only to be chased by the gang. She manages to hide from them successfully.
The gang go to the rapists’ grave from the first film and celebrate their victory before dumping Jennifer’s body into a grave. Meanwhile, Christy wakes up the next morning and steals clothes from a house. She finds Herman’s house where she steals food and kills him by surprise with a sickle before shooting him. Becky orders Kevin and Scotty to find Christy. The two go looking for Christy and find Herman’s car pulled over by the side of the road. When Kevin goes out to investigate, Christy ambushes him with a gun and orders him to strip (much like her mother did with Johnny). She then seduces him and gives him a hand job before stabbing him in the testicles with a broken beer bottle. Scotty comes after hearing Kevin’s screams and is shot by Christy. Scotty pleads for his life (much like his cousin) and is anally raped by Christy with the gun before she shoots him through his rectum.
Meanwhile, Becky decides to look for the gang due to not being able to reach them. She finds Herman’s, Scotty’s and Kevin’s bodies and realizes Christy is likely to be alive. She ambushes Christy and almost kills her, but is stopped by the old couple Jennifer encountered. Christy murders Becky by hitting her over the head with a glass beer bottle and the couple shows Christy where Jennifer’s body is, saying, “It’s right next to your father’s grave.” When the two arrive at the cemetery, it is revealed that Johnny, the leader of the rapists from the first film, is Christy’s father and that Christy knew all along. She speaks to her mother and says she loves her and although Jennifer did not tell her who her father was, she knew the entire time. Christy is pushed into the hole by the old couple and the old woman Jennifer encountered previously. The old couple are Johnny’s parents and the old woman is Matthew’s grandmother. The two throw dirt and continuously hit Christy until she passes out.
The two recite prayers until Christy manages to climb out of the hole, hits and impales the old woman with a shovel and beats, slices and stabs Johnny’s mother to death with it and a shotgun. She threatens Johnny’s father and makes him put Jennifer’s body into his truck. She decides not to kill him, but instead, he shoots himself, committing suicide.
The film ends with Becky and Johnny’s children Melissa and Johnny Jr. coming to the gas station and wondering where their mother is, only to see Christy in their grandparents’ car